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Jean Paul Forceville 

Président du Conseil d'Exploitation Postale


"I have been involved in the Universal Postal Union for a long time and I am proud to have been able to contribute once again in Geneva, to consolidate the UPU and its integrity. I want to put the Union at the service of the postal community 2.0 while preserving the originality of the UPU model. I will be attentive to mobilize expertise, to listen and to seek compromises. I will remain faithful to the values of solidarity and progress carried by the UPU. I will be keen to ensure the smooth and efficient functioning of the POC, in good understanding with the CA and the IB. I will strive to reach the Union’s objectives, in the interest of its members, of customers and citizens. "




  • Promote multilateralism, serving the interests of all countries.


  • Dialogue with Restricted Unions


  • Foster relationships with all stakeholders.


  • Overcome the digital challenge and the environmental challenge.


  • Put the Data at the center of concerns.


  • Keep a climate of trust, through an upright and fair attitude.


Jean-Paul FORCEVILLE, 64, is a graduate of the Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Paris (1979) and the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Postes et Télécommunications (1986). He joined La Poste in 1979.

A high-level institutional career


From 1990 to 1992, he was advisor for budget, finance and planning in the Office of the Minister in charge of Posts, Telecommunications and Space. He then worked in the Office of the Minister of Public Service, State Reform and Decentralization from 1997 to 1998, in the same functions.


In 1998, he became Director of Cabinet of the President and General Manager of Le Groupe La Poste.

A commitment to the development of Groupe La Poste's international activities


In 2001, Jean-Paul Forceville was appointed Director of External Relations and, in October 2004, Director of European and International Affairs.


From 2014 to 2018, Jean-Paul Forceville is Director of Regulation, Institutional and European Affairs for Le Groupe La Poste.


From 2011 to 2014, and since 2019, he was also Chairman and CEO of SOFREPOST, a La Poste subsidiary dedicated to international consulting in the postal professions. He chaired the board of directors of Mediapost Vietnam from 2011 to 2014 .

A recognized experience in the Universal Postal Union and Restricted Unions


Since January 2011, he has been chairing the Board of Directors of PostEurop, the Restricted Union of 52 European postal operators in charge of universal service. He is also a member of the board of directors of PUMed, Restricted Union of 22 postal operators around the Mediterranean.


Within the Universal Postal Union, he chaired a Congress Commission in Doha (2012) and Istanbul (2016).


He co-chairs Commission 2 "Physical Services and E-Commerce" of the Postal Operations Council since 2016. He was elected in April 2018 member of the fiduciary council of the Fund for the Improvement of Quality of Service.

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