One week on...a look back at the meeting between Mr. METOKI, Director General of the UPU, and Philippe WAHL, CEO of La Poste, France, on 30 March 2022
During this first visit to a UPU member country, the two leaders discussed the conflict in Ukraine. From the very first days of the war, Mr. METOKI issued a statement disapproving of Russia's invasion and expressing his solidarity with Ukraine's postal employees, their families and all civilians, hoping for an immediate cessation of hostilities.

He also activated the emergency and security fund for the reconstruction of the Ukrainian Post.
Faced with requests to exclude Russia from the organization, Mr. WAHL supported Mr. METOKI's desire to respect the rules and procedures laid down in the texts.
La Poste wishes to maintain the universal postal service with Russia, as far as possible, in compliance with international sanctions.
Mr. WAHL and Mr. METOKI then discussed opening the UPU to other postal market operators. The work leading up to an extraordinary Congress in 2023 began on 15 March. Mr. METOKI advocated consensus-building, an inclusive and transparent process led by the members themselves with the support of the International Bureau. It is necessary to launch the dynamics on one or two subjects and to capitalize.

For the President of La Poste, the opening up must be balanced. It cannot be asymmetrical; the advantages are linked to constraints and one cannot claim the former without subscribing to the latter.
The process must also integrate social and environmental responsibility. Posts embody social and territorial cohesion.
On the subject of CSR, Mr. METOKI recalled the initiative of France (with Germany and Austria) on the subject which will allow more to be done on sustainable development. Furthermore, the UPU has communicated extensively on the role of women in the sector on the occasion of the recent world day.

Mr. METOKI recently met with the president of IPC. He extended the cooperation agreement between the two organizations until the end of 2022. This time should be used to create a long-term relationship, going beyond the current difficulties with data exchange.
Mr. METOKI wants to listen to the members of his organization. He is pleased to be able to work with Jean-Paul FORCEVILLE, French President of the Postal Operations Council.
Mr. METOKI thanked La Poste for its financial contributions and the expertise it brings to the UPU, pointing out that a Frenchman, Olivier Boussard, had just been appointed to head its cabinet.
At the end of the meeting, Jean-Paul FORCEVILLE said: "We are very honoured by this first visit by the UPU Director General to a member country. It confirmed the relationship of trust and fruitful cooperation between the UPU's new management team and La Poste".
