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Review of the Postal Operations Council session


From May 9 to 13, the S1 session of the Postal Operations Council was held. This session of the POC with the 48 members took place in hybrid mode. It was followed by the Board of Directors from May 16 to 20.

Among the issues on the agenda:

  • Supply chain

Posts are currently facing transit and transshipment issues. France has supported the cloud system solution that would allow Posts and airlines to exchange electronic advanced data. Regarding the customs subject, proposals to align the use of two formulas have been addressed by the working group.

A high-level agreement between UPU Director General Masahiko Metoki and WCO Secretary General Kunio Mikuriya was signed. This agreement aims to facilitate cross-border e-commerce in postal flows.

  • Physical services

The roadmaps concerning product integration and remuneration have been validated. The same is true for the quality of service and the operating rules of the expert team in charge of audits and appeals. For compliance, it was announced that a study would be launched to validate the project's measurement indicators, to ensure that the reports are official.

  • Sustainable Development

Implementation of the resolution to reduce carbon emissions in the postal sector (C17/2021) cannot begin until all funding is secured. A new call for contributions has been issued. Some members requested that work begin immediately.

Thanks to funding from Japan, a questionnaire on climate action will be conducted, including indicators relating to CO2 emissions but also to the vehicle fleet, renewable energy used for buildings, etc. The Japanese government will also fund an expert position on CSR issues at the IB for one year.

  • Cooperation and technical assistance

Regarding the cooperation policy, advocacy actions with governments, as well as the replacement of the 7 regional coordinators by 14 project managers closer to the field and an interim report on the implementation of regional development plans are expected for the fall session.

A call to donors has been made for funding for two new projects for Post4Health (aimed at strengthening the capacity of Posts to disseminate health policies, products and services).

  • Governance

The IB is undergoing a new organization, including the expansion of the scope of the Cabinet Office and the creation of a "Knowledge Center and Think Tank" unit.

On the subject of openness, the POC has created its own Task Force, responsible for preparing recommendations on the lines of work endorsed by the Board.

Signature of a Memorandum of Understanding with the PAPU

This spring session was also an opportunity for Jean-Paul Forceville to sign cooperation agreements (MoU) between the Post Office and respectively with PAPU (Pan African Postal Union) and WAPCO (West African Postal Conference).

The parties were pleased with this bilateral agreement, both on capacity building, technical cooperation as well as digitalization and digitization programs.

Signature of a Memorandum of Understanding with the WAPCO

Jean-Paul Forceville said "La Poste's contributions are complementary and it is necessary to strengthen the synergies between the UPU and the Restricted Unions. Every euro invested must bear fruit."

France was pleased to invite all POC delegates, interpreters, and IB staff to a friendly reception on the margins of the POC plenary. Nearly 300 people responded to this invitation.

Jean-Paul Forceville took advantage of this moment of conviviality to thank the members of the POC for having elected him as president and the teams of the International Office for their support in the accomplishment of his tasks. It was a great pleasure for everyone to be able to meet again after more than 3 years away.

Return in image of the evening here



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